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Lip Stick - 2011-03-09

You live in the right area for police harassment. I hope you don't work for one of the bad schools in that area because those teachers that work for bad schools frequently get the business from the police. The cops want to find ways to get promoted and one way for them to do that is to make an example of some schools and some foreigners. Teachers are easy targets and ripe for the picking.

Messages In This Thread
Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- FT4LIFE -- 2011-03-08
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Lip Stick -- 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Kanadian -- 2011-03-09
Re Cops getting a little snippy in Changping -- Andy -- 2011-03-08
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