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Tom - 2011-03-10
In response to Recruit China Teachers? (Lip Stick)

You don't need to find a recruiter to find a bad school. Foreigners have been doing an excellent job at being taken advantage of on their own for years in China. I saw some Filipinos beat the stuffing out of a Korean recruiter on Friday night. It was fantastic. That made my year and my trip to China is now complete after having seen that. They were so organized and so methodical. It was almost a professional hit. My only regret is I did not take my phone with me for the video. The Filipino ESL teachers were going wild with the smack down of an arrogant prick recruiter from Korea that stiffed them on several thousand Renminbi. That made my nipples hard.

Sounds like you have been holidaying in that Chinese Westworld, Sweetheart. You sit in the bar and feel edgy as some conveniently placed smarmy Korean Recruiter leers at you menacingly; however, the Divine Arsenals of Intervention in the guise of Filipino ESL teachers leap out from the shadows and give him his comeuppance. I am always waking up soaked in sweat after a heavy night on the Baijiu- in a state of panic i feverishly reach for my mobile, only to come down to earth with a plop realising that even in this age of advanced technology it would not have been able to record my nocturnal wanderings. As for the last bit, I'm English, 6' 9" and very fond of Morris Dancing.

Messages In This Thread
Recruit China Teachers? -- Nathan Barker -- 2011-03-04
Re: Recruit China Teachers? -- Sam -- 2011-12-23
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-06
Recruit China Teachers? -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-05
Recruit China Teachers? -- Lip Stick -- 2011-03-09
Recruit China Teachers? -- Tom -- 2011-03-10
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