View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re The bad feedback is great for business..Seriously sick of reading your constant complaining
Apollyon - 2011-04-11
In response to (Message Deleted by Poster) (Hannah Wakefield)

Seriously some of you are [edited], I have read every single post about English First on this website, and my god
do you ever stop whining? "Aww I had to work more than 20 hours a week poor me."
All I can say is toughen the [edited] up you are [edited] and obviously have no idea what hard work actually is, Im guessing you never actually get
any done considering the amount of time you spend moaning about how hard your life is on this web page.

Get out in the real world and find out what hard work really is cause you've got it pretty freaking easy.

Oh MY God! It certainly sounds like you'd be doing Chinese youth a favour if you could cut your hours down to a minimum. And you have a mouth of a fishmonger's wife......you'd make a sailor blush. If I were were your hubby I'd take a stick to you.......deary, deary me.

Listen, little miss clever clogs, teaching oral English in China is not a proper job, so there wouldn't be any sense if the hours corresponded to the hours demanded of doing a proper job; 14 or 15 hours is more than enough.

It is you who needs to get in touch with the real world, you are only on a working holiday teaching oral English. Get real. Qualified teachers get pensions and other benefits, didn't you know? I can't see the shabby enterprise you work for offering you a pension for your knowledge of imparting "pretty freaking easy" Stop moaning and start enjoying the long holiday.

Messages In This Thread
The bad feedback is great for business.. -- EF Sympathizer.. -- 2011-04-07
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Hannah Wakefield -- 2011-04-11
Re The bad feedback is great for business..Seriously sick of reading your constant complaining -- dodger -- 2011-04-11
Re The bad feedback is great for business..Seriously sick of reading your constant complaining -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-11
The bad feedback is great for business means you and the likes of you REALLY ARE... -- Dragonized -- 2011-04-08
Re The bad feedback is great for business means you and the likes of you REALLY ARE... -- Julia -- 2011-04-08
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