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Apollyon - 2011-04-20
In response to Re pay raise (kurtg44)

This semester I'm teaching 5 classes

You don't say how long you teach them for, it could be anything from 40 minutes to even four hours. However, you sound happy about things and that's half the battle in life since none of us know when that spectre who rests on all our shoulders will summons the Grim Reaper our time being up- could be an iffy dumpling,tomorrow, we knoweth not. Yep, if you can enjoy yourself even on 1500 a month make the most of it since pain and trouble is always there waiting. Listen, don't eat out too much in China, I had a mate who woke up dead after eating a hamburger in England, let alone China, where the odds for that must be at least a hundred times.

Yes, Turnoi is good value for money and without the likes of him Chinese bosses would ride completely rough-shod over FT's.

Messages In This Thread
Re pay raise -- kurtg44 -- 2011-04-19
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- kurtg44 -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- Apollyon -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- Bavaria beer -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- Silver Star -- 2011-04-20
Re pay raise -- kurtg44 -- 2011-04-21
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