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flotsam - 2011-04-21

Hi Silverboy. You're right. For me, the natural and working environment and the people I work with are crucial factors.

But for me, first and foremost it's the people I work with, and not at all whether they are friendly or not, but much more importantly, if they let me do my own thing in the classroom with minimal, if any, interference. Then it's if I'm getting paid what I think is at least fair for what I do. Of course, I take into account the time I spend working and preparing my lessons, and the purchasing power of my salary locally, rather than its actual monetary worth in western currency.
As for the natural environment I'm in, I regard that very much of secondary importance. I have never been a tourist kinda guy, and never will be. About the working environment, I have few hang-ups, except that it should be reasonably close to my accommodation, which needn't be anywhere near palatial. Very basic living conditions is acceptable.
By the way, did you know that in Scotland there are no blackboards in the classrooms of state secondary schools these days? According to experts, chalk dust causes cancer! Nevertheless, I'll risk it by continuing to teach by 'chalk and talk' - my handwriting goes all to pot whenever I try to write with marker pens on whiteboards, not to mention the dirty wet rags one is obliged to use for erasing one's writing. So very terrible, I hate my hands being damp and dirty!

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Re pay raise -- flotsam -- 2011-04-21
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