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smiler - 2011-04-30

Once again, detective Crap School Spotter has exposed yet another [edited] school.

is there no end to the vile corruption that has been sweeping through China for some time.


Teachers salaries held.

Hampson using glass cubicles to teach, that allow anyone outside to look in on teacher and student. more like like a meat market or whore house would be better examples.

CT's telling teachers how they should teach and so on. Example. some CT's pronounce the word fanny, not funny. they say fanny is the correct way to say it ? public means pubic.and calp, means [edited].this is modern Chinglish at it's best.

my teacher is a velly fanny man, I like it when he explains issues of pubic life in great depth. he often use the pubic transport to meet his girlflend for a quack one, coffee.

in one shocking instance a young student found a used condom, thinking it was a ballon he tried to blow it up and it exploded in the face of a manager who then vented his anger on a female English teacher by hitting her in front of students and other teachers.

our reporter said that in some of Hampsons schools there were very few books and teaching materials. not to mention computers that were often as rare as rocking horse droppings.

CT's jobs often depend on how many new students they can sign up. those who are unlucky enough to get very few, often lose their job.

God formed Man of
the dust of the ground, and weasels and a
host of others that were not likened unto his kind.
God had told man that there would be those of low Intelligent life forms
who knew not the truth or had any respect for God or others.
they would be found in abundance in rubbish Chinese English schools.

these lesser weasels were cast into the
void; And some were burned, and some were
put apart from their kind and formed [edited] English schools in China.

Keep up the good work, crap school spotter. LOL.

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Re Ongoing research projects on the origins of grovelling weasels...LOL -- smiler -- 2011-04-30
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