kindergartenteacherguangzhou - 2011-05-04

Ok, I taught Kindergarten at Huamei School for 3 years, at the end I had my job and future ability to get a job threatened and i had to pay fines for being de-registered from the police station early.

HUAMEI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is a very evil run and operated school, over the 3 years I worked there I witnessed many horrible events which I will first list in Jot form and then expand on.

1. On Labour Day 2010 All the Children in the Kindergarten were instructed to walk around the school to pick up garbage (with their bare hands). I had kids bringing me broken glass and cig butts from behind the school - the teachers would not listen to me when I aked only the children with single broom and sweep pan be picking up the trash. One of my children brought me a broken medicine vile, others just broken glass from bottles. I was and still am horrified that adults here, especially teachers, can tell their children to do this. During the event I saw another class head by the teacher named Marcus and his class was also picking up garbage. I asked him if he thought it was a good idea, and he just shrugged his shoulders and did not care, going on picking up garbage. I was in shock. After the event I complained to the other english teachers, and the others immediately changed their story to their kids were picking up leaves and ONLY leaves, and marcus insisted that immediately after I asked him if It was acceptable, that he got his whole entire class to do the same, only pick up leaves. I find it hard to believe that he could not care about what I was saying one second, then the next all of a sudden come to an instant illumination of the situation and change his behaviour. So they all lied in order to protect themselves because they knew they had been a part of something that was wrong, and that they had dont nothing to stop it. I kept my glass bottle and broken glass that the kids gave to me, and showed the TA the next day. She didnt care at all until I said "WHAT IF PARENTS SEE THIS?" and then they freaked, I was pulled into the principals office, my girlfriend was called and my letter of recommendation was threatened and so on.

2. For almost 2 months in 2010 we had very humid weather (Feb, March,April) and the floors and walls would become wet in less then 5 tmin. LItterally a pudde of water covered everything. THey would not turn on the A/C's or heaters to dry the water. One older child broke his arm. My kindergarten children were slipping and falling all over and never mind the ground was always wet and dirty.

3. THey hired illegal teachers and hired non-native speakers and then lied about them being native speakers.
from 2009 onwards, Since the Olympic games, Huamei had hired a GERMAN native and german native speaker to teach english in the Kindergarten. Marcus is NOT AN NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER, he comes from GERMANY, BORN AND RAISED AND NATIVE SPEAKER. Please be aware that they lid to parents for part of the first year saying he "Comes from Australia" because that was the last stamp he had in his passport. He lied outright to parents for a long time and the school promised parents when they signed their kids up, that they would get a native english speaker from USA, UK, Canada and Other ENGLISH speaking countries, but he IS NOT.

3. They as most schools do here also hire illegal teachers (ones without work permits) and WIVES of teachers who are already working there, in which case the wives DID NOT HAVE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS.

4. Bandaids were kept in the Hospital by the end of year 3. Children were left with small open wounds to get infected. Only cuts that would not stop bleeding got a bandaid.

5. They DE-REGISTERED ME EARLY from the POLICE STATION because I STOOD UP FOR THE KIDS when they had to pick up garbage, glass and cig butts.! I had to pay a FINE of 50 RMB because they DID NOT TELL ME THEY DE-REGISTERED ME FROM THE POLICE STATION (early!)!.

6. They Called my girlfriend and told her "THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT KIND OF RECOMMENDATION LETTER THEY WOULD WRITE ME" and i need this to get another job and visa. If they write bad things in there, i can not get another job, I worked hard at that school for 3 years and I did not deserve this kind of treatment from them. I ended up making sure I got the letter EARLY to ensure they didnt screw me in this regard, but they WOULD HAVE, THEY SAID SO.

7. They often did not have enough text books for kids (this is an expensive private boarding school for kids)

8. Marcus was allowed to hit furniture in the office and yell at me, but i was not even allow to stand up for hte kids and say hey, this aint right. It was really fucked up. I was ASSAULTED y MARCUS and I did not appreciate it.

Theres much more that happened over these 3 years, and as the instances come back to me over the next while I will try to add them here.

If anyone sends their children to Huamei school - they are Very IGNORANT and have no idea what goes on to their kid when they are not there. They are told lies by the administration and they dont even know any better. People like Marcus lie just to make extra money. Its a twisted sick school from top to bottom, there is not a level that is not infested with greed.


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