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cat - 2005-05-03

> Hello!

Your advice.
>I am unhappy in my current position and
>wonder if it is okay to just leave,?the thought
>of staying for another two months is almost unbearable.
>If you have any knowledge in this area it would be great to
>hear it.

> I felt that I had to respond to this post about 20 teachers deported
> from Korea.
> I can understand, that some of them are not genuine and probably
> deserved it. However, there are some innocent people who get caught
> up in the cross fire, they go to these countries, naive and unaware.
> It is all very well for you to say: "do your research".
> Yet, how much research must one do?
> I am in Asia and I am having similar problems. I did not realise,
> before I came to this country.
> I have done nothing wrong, but if I annoyed the wrong people, I could
> get into trouble. This worries me as they hold all the cards and I do
> not!
> It is my boss who is at fault, not me, so why should I pay the
> penalty for their disregard of their own countries laws?
> I do realise, that when in Rome do as the Romans do, but it is not
> easy when you are worrying day in, day out.
> This is a warning to other naive, young teachers out there.
> Please, please be careful and do think hard before coming to these
> foreign countries. I can't stress that point enough. I went in with a
> fairly open mind, knowing it was going to be hard. Yet, I wasn't
> prepared for the other side of the coin.
> Go in with an open mind and respect for the culture, but also realise
> that they have all the power and you have none!
> They can turn it around to suit their own ends, to hell with the
> foreign teacher. Please be careful and good luck to you all.

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