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Andy - 2011-05-08

Just to confirm what you say about foreigners here in China is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. I'd like to recount what has happened to me recently in a county re foreign colleagues. There are three of us here. I'm teaching at the one and only pubic senoir middle school, nothing special academically. The other two foreign teachers are Africans, and we all work for the same recruiter. They teach at a lowly vocational college. One would have thought we could have become friends, but maybe I'm too idealistic! Or perhaps Africans are brought up with bad manners. I am the most recent arrival. Yet, both of my colleagues give me a wide berth, God only knows why, I've always tried to be amiable. Right, there is an age difference - I'm old enough to be their grandfather, almost! But that shouldn't cause problems. So, one of them only arrived at my flat once, when he learned he could get something for nothing. The other one visits unannounced from time to time, cases the joint, leaves after 5 minutes because he's hungry and must go back to his flat to cook, and says he'll visit the next day, if that's alright. I agree, though puzzled. Twice like this, he doesn't appear the following day, and makes no attempt to contact me, despite both of us being online. I do nothing. But the third time the same thing happens. So, I contact him on messenger, and type, " I must have been sleeping when you came". He replies " What do you mean?" When I explain, he says he had 6 classes, and was too tired to come. but he'd have known about his regular teaching load that day in advance. He was buisy cooking, so he said, when I contacted him online. Eventually I got an apology out of him, for what it's worth. Then I said I was hungry and must cook, "see ya".
The three of us are the only foreigners here, unbelievable how foreigners behave towards each other in China! I give up, my faith in human nature has been eroded beyond repair!

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