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Dragonized - 2011-05-09

I do agree that we shouldn't over generalize the foreign teachers. There are good ones across the board. I have made misjudgements with some of the blokes just as everyone who is human has. I have had arguments and disagreements with people, but I try to not let stuff like that get to me on seeing the individuals truthfully for who they are.

With that being said, you will still run into many incompetent, stupid types who only care about themselves, maybe because that's what they came to china for in the first place. Many foreigners come here to preserve the narrow minded outlook in life that their ego has given them, and they wish to project this outlook into their experience with working in china. I don't think there is a shortage of these hapless individuals unfortunately. We all just need to work on keeping our distance from people for whom we feel uncomfortable dealing with. Trusting your instincts is something to rely on.

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