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Todd - 2011-06-04
In response to Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! (Ferdi)

- From your post Todd, you didn't mention the fact that the school lost a lot
of costumers because of your inexperienced in teaching.

I didn't realize that the school had "costumers". Nonetheless, the school was fully aware of my experience (or inexperience) before they hired me. If they only want teachers who have experience using EF materials (which, btw, I understand they still use, even though they no longer have a franchise arrangement with EF since becoming OE), then they should only hire former EF teachers. Given how they treat their employees, however, I can imagine how difficult a prospect that might be.

- You didn't also mention the fact that the school lost a contract with a
primary school because you went to school drunk and you were stinky with

Facts, and second-hand facts at that, are not always what they appear. If circumstances were actually as you suggest, the school should have terminated me on the spot. They didn't, however, do that. On the contrary, they courted me to renew my contract for another one year term . On top of that, they provided a very positive recommendation letter (though, truth be told, it was probably pro forma). A very curious way for a school to deal with someone who you say "went to school drunk".

let me ask you this question:Had it been you weren't happy with the
school,why didn't you terminate your contract?on the contrary you extended
your contract for another two weeks.

Because, I honor my agreements. If the school had done the same, I would have nothing to complain about. Had OE not mishandled my departure so badly (as you say, I stayed on for two weeks beyond my contract to see four different class levels to the end of their courses, a fact for which they should have been grateful), I would likely not have bothered to post my misgivings about how EF/OE treats its teachers. But, seeing how they treated one teacher after another as they did, and recognizing a pattern of spiteful behaviour towards those who choose not to renew their contract (and even the ones who DO renew their contracts, whether for just two weeks or for eight months!), I felt I had no choice but to let other TEFL instructors know what to expect.

EF/OE has no one to blame but itself for the negative comments left by former teachers. If they want to change the situation, then they should change the way they treat their foreign teachers

So far, I have nothing but positive regard for my current posting (save for the fact that I had to go to Hong Kong twice because of missing paperwork). The difference is like night and day. I understand that it can be the luck of the draw when it comes to finding suitable employment with a franchise training center. Each is only as good as its management and staff. I hope OE works on changing its business practices as hard as it has worked on changing its name.

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Todd -- 2011-05-23
Re China: Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Laowai -- 2011-07-06
If you have a chance to work for OE, Do it! -- Terry B -- 2012-07-26
Re: Corrupt School - Optimum English -- Herman -- 2018-03-29
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Confu -- 2011-06-09
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ESL Teachers United -- 2011-08-21
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-10
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dr.TurdBurglar -- 2016-02-07
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Ferdi -- 2011-06-03
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-04
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- oe -- 2013-02-01
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ASTF -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-06
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Mancunian S -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ASTF -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- oe -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-07
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Optimum English -- 2011-06-03
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- starboyNottingham -- 2012-05-23
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-03
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Betty -- 2011-06-12
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-24
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Beijing Blacklist -- 2011-05-24
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ??? -- 2011-08-10
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Chris -- 2016-02-06
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ??? -- 2012-03-12
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Interview.... -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- foxy -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- San Migs -- 2013-01-21
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- San Migs -- 2013-01-21
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Pork -- 2013-10-13
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Jason -- 2017-03-03
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Former_OE_Teacher -- 2018-03-29
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