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Boss - 2005-05-07

In my past 4 years of teaching esl I have come across a certain people from a certain country who do the most bizzare things, here are a few of the more disturbing examples:

#1 One individual had been working at the same language school in Korea for 3 years, he still had no idea how to teach and would spend his conversation classes speaking non-stop on whatever popped into his mind, I remember hearing his voice boom from the classroom for 45 minutes speaking about the different uses of paprika, he also taught a 45 year old business man how to contruct a bong in another conversation class.

#2 A colleague in China refused to apologise to his 14 year old students after calling them a "pack of stupid, ugly f$#ks who can't do a thing right". His Chinese T.A. witnessed this, that is how his abuse came to light.

#3 A guy I knew in Thailand had tailor made brown slacks, he was only 22. He would also spend 7-8 hours a day in the office and came in on weekends too. He never produced a lesson plan nor marked an exam or assignement until the last week of term.

#4 A guy once said: "I have enough intelligence in my mind to do anything" and would pose for every photograph taken of him.

These same people also carry a backpack wherever they go containing a water bottle and first aid kit. The backpacks are always decorated with a red maple leaf. Here's a quote from one I found on the lonely planet throntree:

Hey... 22 year old Canadian dude heading to Taiwan to teach English the middle of June. Looking for other cool people who might be in the area or anyone with some good advice. After several months in Taiwan I'm heading to SEA, India and then on to Central America so finding some rad people might make several months away a little easier to handle. Shoot me an email if you like.

What is wrong with Canadians? And how can we stop them from leaving Canada?

Messages In This Thread
Weird People - ESL discussion -- Boss -- 2005-05-07
Branding People by Nationality - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-05-08
You people are horrible!!! - ESL discussion -- Deidra -- 2005-05-07
Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion -- Frank -- 2005-05-08
Not very nice at all - ESL discussion -- Julia -- 2005-05-08
I agree - ESL discussion -- Gabriel -- 2005-05-07
yeah yeah but wait a minute - ESL discussion -- hol' up -- 2005-05-10
Boring Canadians - ESL discussion -- Gerry wtih a J -- 2005-05-07
Boring vs. Rude... which would you rather be? - ESL discussion -- Laura -- 2005-05-09
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