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Anonymous - 2011-06-10
In response to China: EF (English First) Dongguan (Steve Parker)

This whole place reeks of unprofessional-ism, sexual harassment, and is completely illegitimate in terms of legality and structure. I have since left Dongguan but I spent quite some time working at this place.

First, the Chinese staff. Tom is their battered form of "human resources manager", if you even want to dignify him with a term other than "inhuman scumbag". If you encounter any problems with your horrifying excuse for an apartment (such as the bathroom overflowing, heating / AC not working) don't expect Tom to do anything. He'll almost never pick up your phone call, and if he does, he'll complain and tell you to fix it yourself unless you pester him to the point where he'll just continue procrastinating. The first thing a lot of teachers do is just find their own apartment because of how unreliable and generally unpleasant he is to work with.

Gary, the Chinese owner of the establishment, is also incredibly rude and distances himself from the foreign teachers as much as possible. No matter what unfair (and commonly unexplained) policy he comes up with, you are encouraged not to confront him and to instead consult with the foreign D.O.S. who is named Wes - who will tell you whatever you want to hear until you leave his office. Nothing will change.

Emma has illustrated perfectly how the rest of the male staff operates. They spend most of the time talking about the whores they picked up the night before, where the cheapest place is to acquire them, what female students they have aspirations of sleeping with (regardless of whether they have families, husbands, or boyfriends) and will constantly sexually harass the Chinese local teachers. Quite frankly, it's a joke. The fact that these men are teaching children on the weekends is beyond me!

EF Dongguan is highway robbery when it comes to their low salary. Virtually any other school (training or not) in Dongguan will pay you more money. They'll offer 5500 RMB for the first three months, and it's THAT low of a salary because of how often the new hires realize how terrible of a place English First Dongguan is to work or won't fit into the sexist clique formed there.

I am also quite surprised at how this school hasn't been shut down by the local government yet. Many ex-teachers have brought them to the Labour Board for not being paid their salaries. Many of the teachers do not have any certification to teach in the first place (TEFL, ESL, even college degrees) and all of this is fabricated and bribed for by Tom. It blows my mind how this place can operate on a daily basis.

BEWARE: EF Dongguan has read this post and have accused and threatened ex-teachers who are posting about their experiences here! This post is slowly and deservedly becoming the highest search result when searching Google for this school. I wouldn't be surprised at all if "Peter Parker" is one of their rarely literate teachers who is trying to defend what little excuse for decency this training school has ever had...

There is a reason why in the past multiple have quit simultaneously from this hellhole. EF Dongguan is a manipulative school and deserves to be run to the ground!

Messages In This Thread
China: EF (English First) Dongguan -- Steve Parker -- 2011-05-24
Re China: EF (English First) Dongguan -- Robert Nutter -- 2015-06-29
Re EF (English First) Dongguan China -- Nikki -- 2011-06-14
EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Anonymous -- 2011-06-10
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- J-Hai -- 2011-09-18
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- ESLSavior -- 2011-09-16
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Banana Joe -- 2011-09-17
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-16
Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- San Migs -- 2011-09-16
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- PeterParker -- 2011-06-08
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Emma -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- putty in her hands -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Steve -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- John -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-10
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Nikki -- 2011-06-09
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- William -- 2011-05-31
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Nikki -- 2011-06-01
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