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Deidra - 2005-05-07
In response to Weird People - ESL discussion (Boss)

I cannot believe how rude and ignorant you people are. The fact that you took the time to put up postings making fun of people is unbelievable. Let me tell you a few things. First of all we Canadians are proud of our country and why shouldn't we be? We live in a good country that provides us with many things that other countries do not provide. As for us being paranoid about not wanting to be confused with being American, can you blame us? Look at what President Bush is doing to the American people and the rest of the world. Having been in China for years it is a fact that most Chinese will be more open and receptive to you if you are not American. Many Chinese consider the American people "the foreign devil". As for the poor people you have made fun of let me ask you some questions.

1) Why is it your business if a foreign teacher wants to talk about multiple uses of spices in the classroom? This is something for his or her students to take up with their Chinese teacher if they feel that the class is inappropriate. How do you know that someone didn't ask the question. I find it hard to believe that a foreign teacher could spend all that time talking about this.

2) As for the class about constructing a bong, again how do you know about this and why is it your business? Maybe the student was asking a question who knows.

3) You also made fun of someones clothing. Do you get pleasure out of making fun of someones preferences. Does it make you feel better about yourself? It is possible that this person likes these types of pants or maybe he didn't have enough money to buy an expensive pair of designer pants. Did you ever think about that??????

4) The person who put up the advertisement on the Lonely Plant board was just looking for a friend. What is wrong with that? Everyone needs friends and maybe his wording of the ad was not the best but that doesn't mean that he is terrible person. Do you know him personally?

I suggest that you spend more time asking yourself why you feel the need to put down other people and why this gives you satisfaction. Didn't your parents teach you any manners. You should remember that if you have nothing nice to say than you should say nothing at all. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Do everyone a favour and let them know where you are working and what school you are at so they know not to associate or try to be friends with you. Who the hell needs friends like you? I cannot believe you are teachers. What are you teaching your students? that this is the way to treat people who don't fit into your world. I hope to hear back from you and anyone else who feels the way I do. Have a great day!!!! from a Canadian

Messages In This Thread
Weird People - ESL discussion -- Boss -- 2005-05-07
Branding People by Nationality - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-05-08
You people are horrible!!! - ESL discussion -- Deidra -- 2005-05-07
Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion -- Frank -- 2005-05-08
Not very nice at all - ESL discussion -- Julia -- 2005-05-08
I agree - ESL discussion -- Gabriel -- 2005-05-07
yeah yeah but wait a minute - ESL discussion -- hol' up -- 2005-05-10
Boring Canadians - ESL discussion -- Gerry wtih a J -- 2005-05-07
Boring vs. Rude... which would you rather be? - ESL discussion -- Laura -- 2005-05-09
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