View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion
Frank - 2005-05-08

I just want to say good for you Diedra to tell these ignorant people the way it is. I couldn't agree more with you. I have been teaching ESL all over Asia for the last 8 years and I have run into strange people as well. Everybody has their own quirks in life and that is what makes us unique. I do however agree that putting up posts that are of a prejudicial manner should not be tolerated. You people (Boss, Gabriel, and Gerry with a J) ought to be ashamed of yourselves. I think you owe the Canadian people out there an apology. However judging by your cowardly attempt to ridicule people on a discussion board we won't be holding our breath waiting. I hope I never run across the likes of you in my travels. Pathetic is what you are and I feel sorry for your students.

Messages In This Thread
Weird People - ESL discussion -- Boss -- 2005-05-07
Branding People by Nationality - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-05-08
You people are horrible!!! - ESL discussion -- Deidra -- 2005-05-07
Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion -- Frank -- 2005-05-08
Not very nice at all - ESL discussion -- Julia -- 2005-05-08
I agree - ESL discussion -- Gabriel -- 2005-05-07
yeah yeah but wait a minute - ESL discussion -- hol' up -- 2005-05-10
Boring Canadians - ESL discussion -- Gerry wtih a J -- 2005-05-07
Boring vs. Rude... which would you rather be? - ESL discussion -- Laura -- 2005-05-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion

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