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Dragonized - 2011-06-21

Yeah, linguists would find china interesting, if only the locals would actually open up to them. Not to rain on people's parades but china has made no effort whatsoever to systematically create alphabets and systems of grammar for the different dialects. The motto is the sooner the dialects die out, the better.

As for the Uighur and Tibetan languages, the cn government is consciously making a choice of knowing full well these are two nations of differnet people with different cultures but they want to destroy both cultures. The people must fully adopt to han standards and keep only in name who they are to promote the communist idea of "diversity".

For a historical model, look at what happened to the Turkic countries under soviet rule. Russian language was required or else there would have been no opportunity for good employment. To this day many Turks are trying to reteach their children the languages while the kids just know half and half (half russian, half said Turkic language). Many Muslim women have burn scars on their faces from being assaulted by communist guards for trying to cover their heads and practice their faiths.

Communism is the bane of man's existence. The racist, colonialist habits of western countries are being practiced in full force by the chinese in china as well as in some African countries, to the extent of my knowledge.

We sometimes must step back and look at the ethics of people and wonder if there is a justified reason why they deserve attention. Maybe sometimes certain cultures stand to be more marginalized and ignored by the world until they grow up and actually put into action certain things that stand for what's right. Give credit and attention to the weaker and the more gentile, not to the meaner and stronger group.

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Re Dialects and internships -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-21
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