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The Arrogant One - 2005-05-08
In response to Weird People - ESL discussion (Boss)

I can well understand why some people will tend to brand others by way of so-called traditional idiosyncrasies, but this can hardly apply to an entire country or race or religion, for that matter. After all, this is the 21st Century and almost everyone has either traveled out of his/her native environment or has been influenced by TV and movies enough to adopt at least some alien characteristics. Today, I dare say, NO ONE is purely American purely Black purely Canadian or purely ANYTHING! Notwithstanding, there are always those who will attempt to deride others by attacking their national, ethnic, or cultural heritage. In this instance, Canadians, hold on to your pride! When I was much younger, I was your guest for about 3 years. Certainly, there were aspects of residing in Nova Scotia that didnt quite appeal to me, a big-city freak from New York. Yet, that didnt give me cause to blame the entire country for my misfortune. And, as I grew older, I got to both know and love cities like Montral, Regina, and Victoria in fact, to maintain an affirmed appreciation for our neighbor to the north the Canadian. By the same token, dear neighbor, do not ever think that the Yank to the south is or was ever your enemy. We are all North Americans and, albeit we each have our own fair share of problems with which to contend, we nevertheless have need of each other as fellow humans comrades, if you will if only in the name of our unified plight of coexistence on this planet. So, relax everyone ... BE NEIGHBORLY!

Love to all,

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
Weird People - ESL discussion -- Boss -- 2005-05-07
Branding People by Nationality - ESL discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2005-05-08
You people are horrible!!! - ESL discussion -- Deidra -- 2005-05-07
Hats off to Diedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ESL discussion -- Frank -- 2005-05-08
Not very nice at all - ESL discussion -- Julia -- 2005-05-08
I agree - ESL discussion -- Gabriel -- 2005-05-07
yeah yeah but wait a minute - ESL discussion -- hol' up -- 2005-05-10
Boring Canadians - ESL discussion -- Gerry wtih a J -- 2005-05-07
Boring vs. Rude... which would you rather be? - ESL discussion -- Laura -- 2005-05-09
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