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Rheno Chinese - 2005-05-09

21,000rmb? That's almost seven times what I make. You can easily have 2 wives here and raise loads of kids and still live like a king.

But the biggest problem is,
1)Will the school actually pay you the amount?
2)How many hours of teaching will you get?

Be wary, some schools out there cannot be trusted. They may give you newbies in China the run around. It's best to do a research on the school. Some old hands do not even make half of that in Shanghai.

Good Luck

Messages In This Thread
21,000 per month !? Is that really a good salary for china - ESL discussion -- not got a scooby dooooo -- 2005-05-09
Any highly secret program? - ESL discussion -- Harry -- 2005-05-13
Do you mean 2,021 RMB a month? - ESL discussion -- JP -- 2005-05-11
not 2,021 RMB! - ESL discussion -- not got a scooby dooooo -- 2005-05-11
Get real - ESL discussion -- JP -- 2005-05-11
not 2,021 RMB! - ESL discussion - ESL discussion -- marcus -- 2005-05-12
thanks marcus and george - ESL discussion -- not got a scooby dooooo -- 2005-05-12
re get real - ESL discussion -- not got a scooby dooooo -- 2005-05-12
What? - ESL discussion -- Rheno Chinese -- 2005-05-09
30hr week - ESL discussion -- not got a scooby dooooo -- 2005-05-10
More than enough - ESL discussion -- Hayden Ledwidge -- 2005-05-09
You lucky bastard - ESL discussion -- Jimmy -- 2005-05-10
WHAT?! Are you serious? - ESL discussion -- becky_boo -- 2005-05-30
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