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Mic - 2005-05-11
In response to No more space! - ESL discussion (Yingwen Laoshi)

It is a different kind of corruption. It is not the same and at least they are VERY discreet about it.

The People's Republic of China is a far better and more honest government than the United States of America.

I can name about 100 differences.

While a man in America is arrested for killing his two daughters, a man in China is arrested for petty gambling!

While the Chinese government won't let you vote in the country if you are not a member of their party, the United States of America will put you on a terrorist watch list if you are member of other parties other than the popular two. The United States will put you on a "no fly" list and a terrorist watch list if you support the freedom of imformation act.

Again, it was very calm, very discreet little amounts of corruption going on here. It was nothing compared to the garbage that happens in England and the United States. Many Expats came here to escape the immorale and uncultured ways in modern Western society. We also came to escape the unconstitutional and undemocratic destruction of our countries. We don't want anyone to bring those things here. It is prefered that people blend in and respect the country. Meaning, learn their language, respect their ways and traditions. Don't bring the Western trash over here, it is unwanted.

Chinese and Muslims have something in common, the men do go out late, and sometimes drink (most Muslims are not supposed to and don't drink) but the WOMEN don't ,especially unmarried women, and if they do, they are considered like prostitutes(exception would be married women with their huspands). Most unmarried Asian girls are home before midnight, sometimes before 11pm, and if not , Mom and Dad will be calling. Alot different from a twenty-something year old from England or USA.

Messages In This Thread
1.9 million - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-05-07
Yo. Mic - ESL discussion -- Michael -- 2005-05-18
don't be pig - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-08
People who just don't get it - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-05-09
don't write it then... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-09
Are you real? - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-08
stay home for that.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-08
Hey you young, 'hip', discriminating types - ESL discussion -- SiamSap -- 2005-05-11
Better off without that job - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-05-12
Thanks for the support - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-05-14
yeah... don't let it bother you - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-12
laughable - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-08
be a gentleman... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-09
Not your business - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-10
you go back.. we don't want to be Americanized - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-10
Assumption - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-11
You sound like an American - ESL discussion -- Da Yan Jing -- 2005-05-14
Life or something like it.... - ESL discussion -- China -- 2005-05-25
....and Mic's from where? - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-15
I don't know...... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-15
Sorry ! It didn't appear - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-14
what about it? - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-15
Not me! - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-14
Please don't generalize - ESL discussion -- Paul -- 2005-05-14
just a saying - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-12
Noyes - ESL discussion -- Dos -- 2005-05-09
not so... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-09
Fai hua - ESL discussion -- Dos -- 2005-05-10
i wish... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-11
No more space! - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-11
different... and discreet - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-11
Get your head out of the sand - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-05-11
wrong again.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-12
What? - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-05-12
good points, but..... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-13
Demand ensures jobs for "cowboys" - ESL discussion -- Mike B. -- 2005-05-15
To Mike B. Re. "Good Points" - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-05-15
clean-up time... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-16
To Mic - ESL discussion -- Jay -- 2005-05-09
no you are... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-05-09
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