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A N Other - 2011-08-09
In response to Re Anyone heard of Hampson English (Hamspson Management)

You make slander of my good school, and my good school make a sue against you in court for this awful slander.
My good school pay all the time the teachers their money, and pay full amount and always pay in time.
The teacheers, all are very happy in my good school.
Please stop this slander, and if you do nort make stop this slander, you must will leave my country!

Let me tell you something. When the owner of an English school displays all the ability in the use of the English language that you display with your posts it says a great deal about the integrity and professionalism of the company as a whole. After all, everything in business works from the very top downwards. Perhaps you should consider taking English lessons yourself although I couldn't recommend Hampson. Perhaps you should try another school.

The word "slander" is reserved for things said about someone verbally. What you should actually have said is "Libel" which is reserved for things in the written form and published.

That said however lets be clear on something else. We live in what is known as a claim culture in the 21st century. People all over the world are suing each other for all manner of things these days, some warranted, some no so much. People can be easily separated into two distinct categories. Those who have a case and those who do not. Those who have a case do not beat around the bush wasting their time posting threats they go straight for the kill and begin legal action because they know they will be receiving a tidy figure sometime in the near future.

Those who do not have a case and also know that they don't are the ones who post empty threats on the internet, just like you. If you thought for even a second that you had even the remotest chance of suing someone for things said on this board you would not hesitate to head on down to the labor courts and start a case for libel. So the fact you keep coming here every few weeks/months posting your Chinglish crap in some vein attempt to silence those you have been screwing around proves you do not have a leg to stand on and proves that what is said about your "Great School" is all true.

If you are so sure that you do have a case then instead of wasting your time put your money where your big mouth is and get on with it. Or did it escape your attention that no one here pays any attention to your empty threats and laugh at you when you post something.

Hampson schools are a complete con for students, teachers and indeed many of their Chinese staff. Most of you staff barely speak a word of coherent English something which you have just proven with this post. Those who do come to work for you and do have a grasp of the language always leave shortly afterwards because they can do much better for themselves and what is more they know it. You pay crap salary to your teachers and the only way to earn more is to work like a slave. You pay crap salary to your Chinese staff which results in you loosing anyone of consequence and loosing students because of it.

Give yourself a big round of applause for being the most notorious craphole on the mainland of China. Well done!!!

Messages In This Thread
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Hamspson Management -- 2011-02-26
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- A N Other -- 2011-08-09
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Pete -- 2011-08-29
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Gwendolyn Rumpelstiltz -- 2011-08-30
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Pete -- 2011-08-31
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Maitre de la Renaissance -- 2011-08-31
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Pete -- 2011-09-01
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- ESL Teachers United -- 2011-08-21
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- englishgibson -- 2011-08-09
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-03-05
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Hamspson Management Alter Ego -- 2011-03-06
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Bavaria Bier -- 2011-02-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-02-26
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