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Andrew W - 2011-08-22

Has anyone had a problem with this site - http://www.e-jobfair.com
??? Are they still operating???- and how I can get a response from them. I have tried their contact details many times, over many years to get a resume 'updated' and/or removed, which is displaying on their related site www.ccie.com but they NEVER, EVER respond!

They encourage you to put your resume on their site but then do not allow you to change/update it AND never respond to emails to the 'webmaster' site at webmaster@e-jobfair.com <webmaster@e-jobfair.com>. Are they a scam site or what???

How can I get a response from them or change my details online? Has anyone else had this problem? I now completely regret putting my resume online with them!

Please give me some advice and share your experience with me!

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