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Bryce - 2011-08-29

I just got a wonderful job in China through Gold Star TEFL Recruitment and wanted to share this with the ESL community. They are a great FREE recruitment agency that assists teachers in the job finding process. I particularly liked the Talking CV. Instead of just posting a resume, you also record yourself answering questions... and the video appears in the left hand corner of the screen where your resume is. In my opinion, this really gives you a leg up from your competition and also serves as a pre-interview. It also helped me think about why I wanted a job in China so that during my actual interview I was able to answer all the questions with ease. I honestly cannot recommend this agency more. They went above and beyond to ensure that I had plenty of options to choose from, and checked in just the right amount to verify my progress in the job hunt. Very responsive, very helpful, and completely free. If you come across Gold Star TEFL Recruitment, don't hesitate to use them: they are actually really helpful! If you have ANY doubts, please feel free to contact me

Messages In This Thread
Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Bryce -- 2011-08-29
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Gwendolyn Rumpelstiltz -- 2011-08-29
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Jules.A -- 2011-08-30
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Bryce -- 2011-09-02
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- San Migs -- 2011-09-03
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Oldtimer -- 2011-09-03
Re: Gold Star TEFL Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-03
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