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Jules.A - 2011-08-30
In response to Re Anyone heard of Hampson English (Mark Black)

Many people come over and find work with reasonable companies/colleges. At least for a given value of `worth` as the concept of honour and honesty is very different in China to that of the West.

Hampson is one of the biggest fraudulent so-called franchises in China. I took my contract etc with them to the Bureau of Foreign Experts over all their lies and con tricks and refusals to pay salary and other pathetic weaselly excuses, to find that they DO NOT EVEN OFFICIALLY EXIST! The contract is as worthless frankly any other in China with the added glory of being a FORGERY! The red stamp on the contract - required by Chinese law on any document - is FAKE! Hampson as a registered company working to improve the Chinese peoples` english language skills, paying their taxes and other dues to their government etc DO NOT EXIST.

In the Beijing offices there is a framed photograph of the owner of Hampson together with a member of the Chinese government, to whom this crook claims to be related. It is apparently for this reason the police and other authorities WILL NOT act against this blatantly criminal group (I would say `organized crime` but there is very little evidence of any constructive work going on there). It is up to the foreign teachers to spread the word to their erstwhile colleagues themselves , so no more people get burned and eventually the whole heap of unmentionables will collapse. Everyone who has been unfortunate to be conned by these parasites should take their `contracts` to the Bureau or maybe the police. Maybe if enough do then something may e done from that angle too.

If you have any questions try the wonderful SOPHIE, who apparently is the Beijing `manager` in charge of the franchise operations in other cities. Her email was


Also there is one Yuki Zhuo email yukizhuo@sina.com, who appears to be an authority within the company. One would think for the good of their reputation abroad the Chinese government would put paid to such obvious public corruption as is Hampson; however sadly it is down to the foreign experts so let us go

Nail `em

Messages In This Thread
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Mark Black -- 2011-05-23
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Jules.A -- 2011-08-30
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- robin -- 2011-10-16
Re: Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-09-01
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-23
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Bertie -- 2011-05-23
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-23
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Stan -- 2011-05-24
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-24
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-24
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Mark Black -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- THe Big, Bad Dragon -- 2011-07-08
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-08
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- P E -- 2011-07-08
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Turino -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Mark Black -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Turino -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Out of Chicago -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Turino -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English, anyone here of alternative career paths in china? -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English, anyone here of alternative career paths in china? -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English, anyone here of alternative career paths in china? -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English, anyone here of alternative career paths in china? -- Turino -- 2011-05-27
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- dude -- 2011-05-26
Re Anyone heard of Hampson English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-27
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