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ESLSavior - 2011-09-16
In response to EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for (Anonymous)

I must say, all of these little ‘confessions’ have been incredibly entertaining! Rather it is a post by a closet-drunk who hides his true nature while wearing a mask of a teacher, or a web-slinger who has taken it upon himself to be a martyr for EF despite the fact that he has not worked for that company. Opinions are like rectums: everyone has one. As far as the whole 40 hours a week goes…really? That is a problem for you people? For those who complained about working a real fulltime job, were you born with silver spoons in your mouths? I would suggest that you work in a textile mill or automotive factory and pull 60 hours a week without any inclination on when you will actually get a day off.

Those students in Dongguan are paying good money for an education, and if you sorry pieces of monkey crap cannot put your drinks down long enough to meet the expectations of your students then I’d suggest that you find a different profession. ‘White Trash’, it is a nickname for poor folks back in the US, and a nickname for failures who go to China to party and hide behind a desk. I will be brutally honest: I teach my students English, but first I teach them to have self confidence, to have pride, and to climb to the top of every ladder and break every glass ceiling that hovers above them. As I hear the shattering of glass, I can only hope that some of those shards will fall down to where you bottom-feeders dwell. I hope that you pick up those shards and do the world a favor. Remember; go up the street, not across.

It is a very simple fact: if you are a teacher, you are responsible for teaching. That is your job. If you prefer to party and live in a drunken stupor, then go live in a box in western LA and beg for change so that you can go buy yourself another 40oz. I am sick and tired of the teachers here who want to play the part of the martyr who was mislead or misguided. When it comes to the ESL community, my friends are few and far between, and certainly none of them are from the cesspool where poor excuse for teachers writhe around like maggots. Let me bestow this little gem of knowledge on you: a company is only as good as those who work for it. So, if EF is guilty of anything, it is hiring undedicated idiots who don’t take their position seriously. What manner of impact have any of you made? Each of you is just a spoke on a wheel. When the spoke breaks off, the wheel will continue to spin. Remember, you are expendable. However, I am not expendable. You see, I am the best. I was the best ESL teacher in the upstate of South Carolina, the best ESL instructor in Atlanta, GA, the best in Los Angeles, CA, and I am the best in China. Not to brag, but I am the best in the world. So, from the bottom of my twisted and decrepit heart, I would like to thank each of you for your failures, for if it was not for embarrassments like you insignificant fools, I would not have the privilege of setting an example, of proving that I am the best! So, enjoy your parties, enjoy your trivial lives, and cherish every single second that someone acknowledges your existence, for when you exhale your final breath…no one will remember your names. Pipebomb!

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Re: EF Dongguan is a terrible place to work for -- ESLSavior -- 2011-09-16
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Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Peter Parker -- 2011-06-10
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Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re EF (English First) Dongguan -- Nikki -- 2011-06-01
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