View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › 4500RMB - ESL discussion
jinchafa - 2005-05-13
In response to 4500 remimbi OK? - ESL discussion (Joe Archer)

Forget about it. With your experience you deserve much more. You should accept nothing less than 6000RMB with multiple benefits. All utilities should be paid, a computer should be provided in your apt. with internet paid for. A water dispenser with water paid by the school should be provided.
Anyway, shop around - you can get a much better deal. A one bedroom apartment doesn't sound like much to me. Ask them to send you a picture of the apartment. If it's located on campus it could be a converted student dormitory, which by local standards may be considered ok, but is not anywhere near what you can negotiate for. The two free meals they are trying to entice you with means nothing. University cafeteria food totally sucks. If you were paying for it, the cost would amount to around 100RMB a month.
Ok, you've talked to other teachers there. Maybe they'll disagree with everything I've said here. If so, ask them where else they've taught in China.
Good luck.

Messages In This Thread
4500 remimbi OK? - ESL discussion -- Joe Archer -- 2005-05-11
4500RMB - ESL discussion -- jinchafa -- 2005-05-13
Take it! - ESL discussion -- yank Paul -- 2005-05-13
re; 4500RMB good? - ESL discussion -- Alexandra Jade Worsham -- 2005-05-12
better deal than mine - ESL discussion -- teacher blake -- 2005-05-12
4500? Try 7000 - ESL discussion -- kathy -- 2005-05-15
that is not true....unless - ESL discussion -- Ian -- 2005-05-16
ian is right - ESL discussion -- john -- 2005-05-19
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