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hamish - 2011-09-17

I've been teaching English as a second language for about 10 years now and I really enjoy my job. My students, coworkers and boss all love me and I am a model employee. Unfortunately, I studied at college for 3 years (honours student) instead of going to university. Because of this fact, Languages Canada won't let me continue teaching. Despite the fact that I've been with my current school for 2 and a half years, my boss is being forced to let me go because of this policy. I said that I would be happy to take the TESL course which Languages Canada requires of all ESL teachers, but they say that I do not qualify. I feel so helpless. What can I do? This feels so unfair. I realize that I probably should have gone to uni instead of college but shouldn't my experience count for something? I've been teaching for so long that I'm not really qualified to do anything else. It really irks me that an organization that is supported by the Canadian government is pushing me out of my career of choice. Is there anything I can do (legally or otherwise)? Any comments are greatly appreciated.

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fired b/c of Languages Canada policy -- hamish -- 2011-09-17
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