Dragonized - 2011-10-26

Although we have talked about this before and at the risk of sounding like i'm beating a dead horse, chinese families do indeed not care about what's best for their children and only care about fullfilling a certain agenda which brings them the most glory or "face". The lack of a humanistic approach towards treating other fellow human beings is a disease that plagues what the chinese consider a part of their own "culture". Social pressure brings about a loss in confidence in one's self, a desire to not contribute to the society that raised them, and the worst thing has to be a degradation in civility and trust amongst each other. Jealousy and contempt at seeing the success of another fellow chinese is a central part of why china as a country is held back. Until there is a proper system of education which instills a firm sense of morality and entitles the individual to see the spiritual side of things china will always be copying and looking up to others.

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Re: GAC -- Dragonized -- 2011-10-26

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