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San Migs - 2011-11-16
In response to Re: the students in graeme's eyes (Iconkiller)

So it is ok not to talk to your boss when something bad happens? It is ok to to quit your post after you signed a contract? It is ok to do a midnight run?

Yes, Yes, and Yes!

Talking with bosses here very rarely leads to the desired results for the lone laowai...namely better conditions, and reasonable behaviour on their part. More likely will be you being talked down to for daring to have the audacity to challenge their confucian beliefs of what is right and wrong.

Contracts are just pieces of paper. They say you have to pay a fine if you want to leave? OK. Would they pay you some renumeration suddenly if they wanted you out? Most likely, you would be shafted at every turn, and out on the streets with perhaps just a couple of thousand rmb. One rule for them, another for you.

Is it ok to do a midnight run? Possibly not.

But I have done twilight runs before, and there is very little that school can do to you except just not hire you again. And also that recruiter , if you used one, may have some anger towards you...but thats about it.

Do you think all FT's should just stay in filthy apartments, be lied to by their superiors,be cheated out of cash, be unhappy...and just stay and accept it, and not look for greener pastures or golden shores?

Cheers anyways

Messages In This Thread
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- Iconkiller -- 2011-11-15
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- San Migs -- 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- Teacher -- 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- Dragonized -- 2011-11-16
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- San Migs -- 2011-11-17
Re: the students in graeme's eyes -- Teacher -- 2011-11-16
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