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btdt - 2011-12-22
In response to Re: Luoding Polytechnic (Josephine)

"China accepts too many evil-minded foreigners with too much pride and huge entitlement mentalities as foreign teachers. They come here ill-prepared for a longish stay, can't hack the life nor the culture, and end up badmouthing the whole country and all its citizens as an excuse for their rotten racist outlook. That is a telltale sign of their narrowmindedness and selfcenteredness."

Well stated, Josephine. I would also add that many "pretend teachers," aware of their own shortcomings - not only as teachers but also as culturally unaware individuals, find fault wherever they can instead of facing the all too obvious truth about themselves. In this way they reveal themselves as not only ill prepared, as you've pointed out, but unworthy of the pay they receive for pretending to teach.

Perhaps, though, the most relevant thing you've written is in regards to their "entitlement mentalities." I've seen it again and again, and I've seen the ignorance that accompanies it. "Teachers" who brag about their sexual conquests are a dime a dozen in China and fit quite well into that category of those who feel entitled. Which is quite odd, actually, considering that a large percentage of them couldn't get laid back home if their life depended on it. Fat, bald and poorly educated seems to be the norm these days for EFs in China. Of course there are those who are not fat and bald but who nevertheless keep a tally of their sexual trysts so that they can brag to their buddies back home.

Where I last taught in China, I often reviewed the writing of one of my students who had to that point spent nearly a year working on his graduate paper that addressed the issue of EFL in China and, more specifically, the issue of unqualified FTs in China - why they came here, what they brought to the table etc. Much of what he wrote concerned some of the issues that are discussed in these forums, but the general tone of the paper was meant to address the very pertinent question of why China did not more carefully screen those who come here to teach and why so often those individuals had agendas that had nothing to do with teaching and how that translated into an often uncomfortable classroom environment with the 'teacher" completely unable to take a professional approach to his/her teaching. I think it's easy to assume that he was not or is not the only student in China that questions this huge mistake of bringing in so many FTs who, at best, simply gum up the works and who, at worst, tarnish the image of their home countries by not having a clue that they represent said country.

Fortunately, as has been stated here before, change is coming. Unfortunately, those "teachers" who are booted out of here will find another country to hate and despise while they continue their deceptive roles as teachers. As long, that is, as there are women around that they can lure into bed simply because they are from the West and can use that as leverage.

Anyway, Josephine, hopefully you are teaching in China. More open minded and culturally sensitive teachers are needed here. Of course you will be labeled as a groveling weasel by the few naysayers here on this board, but I think you can consider the source and, hopefully, will continue to contribute your perceptions which, by my estimation, are spot on.

Messages In This Thread
Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-11-08
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Kanadian -- 2011-12-30
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-12-30
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Anthony -- 2011-12-19
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Lili Marleen -- 2011-12-21
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-12-21
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Wen -- 2011-12-21
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Colin -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-12-23
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-12-23
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- humble pie -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Dragonized -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- unnnaive -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Josephine -- 2011-12-21
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- btdt -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-12-22
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-12-21
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Wen -- 2011-12-19
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Dragonized -- 2011-12-19
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-12-20
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-12-20
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- sunny -- 2011-11-27
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-11-28
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- non- newbie -- 2011-11-09
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-11-09
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- well-read -- 2011-11-09
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Teacher -- 2011-11-09
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- San Migs -- 2011-11-08
Re: Luoding Polytechnic -- Joshua Gresham -- 2011-11-10
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