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Funcuz - 2012-02-02

So what's the problem ? That's a pretty standard contract and since I have worked for that same company (Changchun) I also know that everything in that contract is honoured as well .
Secondly , that works out to considerably more than double $4500 a year , that's enough to buy anything you want in China , and it doesn't include the bonuses (which are AT LEAST another $2,000) What exactly do you expect for your first year contract in a low-cost city in a developing country ? That may not get you very far in Shanghai or Beijing but for a second tier city where five bucks buys you dinner , drinks , and a pack of smokes , it sure ain't too bad .

Look , I know that EF has a reputation in China but I also know that a lot of it has to do with young adults getting their first jobs , having romantic fantasies about what living in a foreign country will be like . Very often they come with a list of demands , want special treatment , have inflated egos , spend their time complaining about pretty much everything , and put as little effort as possible into their jobs . Very often when I see complaints about a school , I know exactly who's making them and I know that the other side of the story would change peoples' opinions completely .

I'm not saying that bad schools don't exist . We all know they do . I'm also not saying that EF schools don't perhaps have a deserved reputation in some cases . Having said that , I've been at my school for three years and while I can't speak for everybody's experience , I've seen plenty of people who really never should have left their home countries in the first place . One week wonders and entitled snots are common in this business ... anybody in this business should know that . EF Changchun has never shorted me money , screwed me around in any way , or dumped every burden they could think of on my shoulders . That may well be because I have a good foreign boss (and I do) but his superiors have always kept up their end of the contract . And don't come back with the usual crap about how I must be some company man hired to say nice things . That's the standard excuse some folks around here like to give whenever they hear somebody defend a school they otherwise know nothing about .

Messages In This Thread
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies???? -- Funcuz -- 2012-02-02
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies???? -- Leaping -- 2012-02-11
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies???? -- carnivore -- 2012-02-16
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