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Elephant - 2005-05-26
In response to New York-New York! - ESL discussion (The Arrogant One)

I don't use 'clowning' in my classroom to get my students motivated. I think it's a 'band-aid', desperation tactic begun by the TEFL industry to keep Farang teachers in the classroom and off of planes taking their aggravated asses back home. Some people DO use 'The Bozo Way' with great success. I realize that. However, you won't see me using clown techniques in my classes. And you never will. I'm a teacher in a classroom--not a clown in a circus.

I teach in Thailand, where 'charm' is king and students want 'fun and games' in their lessons. That is the way it has been for who-knows-how-long. I learned this hard fact not at my TESOL mill, but after I landed a job teaching at a high school here last year. After arriving, I was immediately met by students who wanted to 'play game' all the time in every class. I also discovered almost immediately they were sadly deficient in English proficency as well, albeit they've been attending English classes for between 4 and 10 years--classes filled to the brim with the 'Bozo Way'.

Yes, I've found acting like Bozo doesn't help, really. The only thing that HAS helped my students increase proficiency is my own insistence that they practice, practice, practice outside of class. In other words, WORK at it. THAT has worked, and worked well with my 'more motivated' students. Unfortunately, work is boring to Thai students, students who have a genetic aversion to mental effort. It's been tough getting my 'less motivated' kids to actually EXERCISE their 'LAD's' (Language Acquisition Device) and catch up with their more motivated colleagues.

It's been so tough to motivate these students I've decided to embark on a new approach. I'm currently experimenting with a language lab at my school using modern technology. I don't know yet where it will lead, but I HOPE this will solve my motivation problems and get all my students moving towards fluency.

Acting like a clown didn't work for my predecessors, so you won't see me impersonating Bozo in my classes. After all, this is Asia--not Las Vegas. Besides, if the 'clown' approach actually worked, I wouldn't have the proficiency problems I have 'inherited' here. I'd even be acting like Bozo myself if that were the case.

I realize the 'clown' approach DOES seem to work for you, AO, and you as well, Bee. You guys truly love playing the role, and to that I say 'more power to you'.

I would LOVE to sit in on one of your classes. I bet I'd laugh my ass off.

Good luck in teaching.


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