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Dragonized - 2012-03-12

After living and traveling abroad and meeting all sorts of characters, I would have to say that I really need to point out some things newbies should take a look at, for it can affect their core values and belief system. I have to say that some of the most racist people I have met in every country aren't necessarily the types who blatantly judge and speak ill of others, believe me I have met plenty of judgemental people during my time abroad, but also with the "anti-racist" types. For it's these kinds of people who make others the MOST self conscious of who they supposedly are or what "race", "ethnicity", or "country" that they are supposedly from. Sadly I must say that for the most part only if you possess physical traits that are of western european descent will you most likely be absolved from having this kind of experience.

These kinds of "anti-racist" or purported "open minded" types make the most eager weasels because they themselves possess no integrity or honesty on even how their own minds work. They branch out and make positive stereotyping a way of life and will disrupt anyone with a dissenting voice with emotional responses about how "racist", "predatory", or "stereotyping" others are, when they are making these comments themselves. These are also the types of folks who will refuse to accept others as being the same as them purely on looks alone.

For example, if I am an ethnic minority in the USA(if I have brown or yellow skin color, Africoid Americans get a different type of discrimination overtly), I may see these folks pandering around and asking me, "So where are you from?". If this ethnic minority responds by saying that, "I am from California, New York State, etc.", you can guarantee that there will be a question of "But where are you originally from?" being asked. If this person for example states that his/her ancestors immigrated from China, then the weasel will respond with, "Oh I've been to China! I worked there for...." without putting into consideration the feelings of the person who is being asked if he/she actually identifies with this country/culture.

Now I'm still typing with a light hearted view of things because I've seen this happen too often and I've tried to deduce some strategies on how the questionee can respond properly. But in the end if there is a critical, negative, but truthful remark by the questionee on this country/culture that the weasel loves so much then the weasel will bounce the statement back with a, "That's Chinese!", "But that's how Chinese culture works!", or making a short and brief statement on a similiar level and tries to instill a sense of shame on the person he/she is talking to for not "identifying" with their supposed "own culture" more. In other words you are not allowed to criticize what is considered to be your "own" JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN.

I have to say in the modern age these are the worst types of racists and probably had ancestors who practiced lynching and ethnic cleansing. Their own narcissism at being unable to understand ANYTHING remotely culture related makes them this way, for they still want to maintain some for of superiority complex and smooth their own ego.

Of course I've rambled on a bit more than I should have, here's my advice for responding to these types of individuals who actually know nothing about what they're talking about. You can say "Where am I originally from? I don't know, you have to ask God for that." if you're a spiritual person and politely deflect the weasel's inquiries and make it like any country/culture doesn't matter. Also say that we are all human beings, and we are all similiar in so many respects. If you are not spiritual, you may say, "Where am I from? Well, billions of years ago when the meteorites were hitting the earth, it caused a chemical shakeup which created carbon based life forms. I am a carbon based life form, are you one as well?" Of course you will find some really persisten people who just can't let go due to their own weaknesses and vices (probably always needing to be right all the time). You can always yield and politely answer, but try to tell them to take a scoot politely, I don't have so much patience and I just either walk away or I will say something crass/impolite to give them this hint.

I do keep in mind that there are many folks who are genuinely curious and mean no harm, but I am not saying they are a majority either. I trust how I personally feel about the person who is asking this question, and from this I get a feel of whether they are being naive (forgivable) or stupid (unforgivable). Younger newbies might end up picking up this bad habit out of spite due to a bad experience or out of a fall from grace (feeling a need to grovel). Either way it is harmful to your soul and stops your own development since it closes your mind, which only brings more problems in. Hope this helped.

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Joke about Originality -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-12
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