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Deleted Out - 2012-03-27
In response to Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems (San Migs)

I began my teaching here this semester for the company in the middle of February. So, my salary for February was calculated on the number of days from the start of my classes until the 29th. That was paid to me on the 10th of March. I paid a monthly mortgage payment of 650 RMB to the bank on the 20th of February, for an apartment in a provincial capital that I had purchased, and have paid the March instalment on the 20th of this month. The company deducts 500 RMB/month, or part month, from my salary in case of breakages or damage to my rent-free apartment by my wife and me. This is the negative result of a Welsh hothead wrecking his pad because the company discovered that his 'degree' was from a fictitious Welsh university with one of those long unpronouncable Welsh names, so reduced his salary accordingly! I believe two Africans also caused serious damage like that in the past. The company owes me 3,500 Yuan in 'breakage money' at this time plus 1,000 Yuan travel allowance for this term plus 6,000 Yuan air fare allowance for the whole two semesters, which I won't be spending on air tickets!
I DO have several thousand GBP in a bank account. My bank book is with me, but if I change some of it to RMB here, I'll lose out, because said bank account is with a branch of that bank in another Chinese city, which means I'll be penalised!
If I had my lump sum and pension payments, I wouldn't have to ask for money in advance! I guess my Chinese director will look down on public pension agencies in Blighty at this time. Beer, or liquid bread, as the Chinese call it, is still no problem, at 2 Yuan/ large bottle. Cheers, mate! Anyways, I hope it all adds up in your eyes now.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-03-26
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-03-26
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-09
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-19
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Andrew -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- San Migs -- 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- boxiangjiaopi -- 2012-04-11
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-03-27
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