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Deleted Out - 2012-04-03
In response to Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems (Deleted Out)

Dear A,

Thank you for your recent e-mail. I apologise for the delays in replying to your e-mail correspondence.

I have been monitoring this situation closely and as discussed last time I had arranged for your original returned payment to once again be re-issued. I had included the further information requested by Citibank to credit payments in the local currency. I have today been notified that this again has been unsuccessful.

I have read through your previous e-mails and at the time I could not act on any of the information supplied as the payment was already being processed. After my initial communication with Citibank I had fully expected this matter to be resolved, which was probably naïve of me, and it for this reason I believed that no further information would not be required. I have today contacted Citibank and asked for clarification regarding payments being made to your account in Sterling. Citibank have confirmed that they will release payments to your bank in GBP however are you able to confirm that this acceptable both for yourself and for your bank?

I understand that this issue has dragged on far too long and I would like to take the opportunity to apologise on our behalf. I’d like to assure you that we have done everything possible to issue your pension payments to you and do understand how frustrating this must be for you. I have notified my Regional Manager who is now also monitoring the situation regarding your pension.

I thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely

Payroll Administrator

Messages In This Thread
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-03-26
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-03
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems -- Deleted Out -- 2012-04-03
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