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lily - 2005-05-31

I've been planning for a long time on taking the CELTA-course as I love the English language and teaching is something that interests me. However, after looking at some websites it seems schools around the world couldn't care less if you're certified or not as they're only looking for native speakers. So should I just give up my dream before even trying? Or lie(people often mistake my accent for a canadian one)? Could anyone give me some advice? cheers

Messages In This Thread
non native EFL-teacher? - ESL discussion -- lily -- 2005-05-31
doesn't matter - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-01
Professor of English?..bored to sobs - ESL discussion -- Doc -- 2005-06-03
what's the difference... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-04
the difference.. - ESL discussion -- Doc -- 2005-06-18
ARE YOU ADVISING SOMEONE TO GET A FAKE PASSPORT? - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-01
well...no - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-02
I'm glad you got the info from her....I didn't - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-03
no one ever said.... - ESL discussion -- Mic -- 2005-06-03
Tell me another one - ESL discussion -- RhenoThai -- 2005-06-04
How can i get this fake passport. - ESL discussion -- Jamila -- 2005-06-08
The "bar code" issue - ESL discussion -- Ferdinand -- 2005-06-28
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › non native EFL-teacher? - ESL discussion

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