ziawj2 - 2012-05-07

This is one of my students'writing. I made some changes. Could you check from the stylistic point of view to make it more acceptable to native speakers?

May 1, 2012
Dear Lucy,
I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for sending me flowers for my birthday gift . I'd like you to know how much your flowers meant to me. You is a kind girl I know you are very like reading, so I have buy a good comic books for you I think you will like it. My whole family are Looking forward to you have time to our guest.
Yours Signature,

May 1, 2012
Dear Lucy,
I am now writing a few lines to express my sincere thanks for sending me flowers as my birthday gift. You do not know how much your flowers meant to me. You are so kind!
I know you like reading very much, so I bought a good comic book for you. I am sure you will like it.
Lastly, I invite you to my home and my whole family are looking forward to seeing you again.
Best wishes,

Messages In This Thread
writing -- ziawj2 -- 2012-05-07
Re: writing -- englishgibson -- 2012-05-10

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