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San Migs - 2012-05-16

Well, I think in most cities in China within ex-pat circles there are certain foreigners who can't stand each other and some who are even at each others throats. It is why some laowai prefer to live in a "backwater" small cities with few or no foreigners.

Agreed, and well said.

I was going to refrain from posting in this thread, but silverboy's post is true for here. Small backwater city in Zhejiang province, no real expat or foreign community to speak of.

So far, I have met one younger FT from Australia, a grovelling weasel, who know does not give me time of day because he has a Chinese gf. That's fine. I'm kind of solitary anyway, and GW's are not people I consider as mates anyway.....

Older brit, arrogant, doesn't speak any chinese, drinking and smoking problem, likes to deride and run down others, laowais and chinese included, but won't look at his own faults. Impossible to socialize with, as he is one of these, I am always right, I have achieved/done, yada yada....at the same time he has a TC and is in cahoots with certain Chinese bigshots in the backwater, again, I avoid.

Then there was a brit who never replied to a text message, but that is another story.

So yes, I have a few chinese friends, and that is about it.

Anyone else?

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Re: Eponymous laws -- San Migs -- 2012-05-16
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