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storminateacup - 2012-05-22

Much ado about nothing, in my view!

“The public security bureau wants to clean out the foreign trash. To arrest foreign thugs and protect innocent girls, they need to focus on the disaster areas of Wudaokou (a student area) and Sanlitun (a bar area). Cut off the traffickers, including those who can’t find jobs in the US and Europe that come to China to take money, engage themselves in human trafficking and illegal immigration. Identify foreign spies, who live with Chinese women while collecting intelligence and GPS information for Japan, South Korea, the United States and European countries while holding a tourist visa. That foreign bitch has been expelled and closed Al-Jazeera’s Beijing bureau. We should kick out those who demonize China.”

公安部要清扫洋垃圾:抓洋流氓,保护 知少女,五道口和三里屯是重灾区;斩首洋蛇头,美欧失业者来中国圈钱,贩卖人口,妖言惑众鼓励移民;识别洋间谍,找个中国女人同居,职业是搜集情报,以游客为名义为日本韩国和美欧测绘地图,完善GPS;赶走洋泼妇,关闭半岛电视台驻京办,让妖魔化中国的闭嘴滚蛋

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Re: Teaching ESL in China -- storminateacup -- 2012-05-22
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