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Nicolas2212 - 2012-06-16

Hi everyone!

My name is Nicolas,I'm French, 22 years old and I've just graduated from my English BA. I decided to take a year off from September 2012 and I was really considering getting envolved in a TEFL course and then try to find a job as an ESL teacher in Europe. I am really interested in teaching, and I've always wanted to do it.
I know that most schools would preferably take native speakers of English, but I would like to have advice from you people who have taught abroad already. Is it that impossible to get a job as an ESL teacher if I'm not a native speaker? Which countries would accept more non-native speakers? Apart from Europe?
I spent a year living in Dublin and I've been speaking English since I was 16, so even though I'll never be like a native I think that my level is quite high.

I'm waiting for your advice, thank you so much in advance!


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