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Sam - 2012-07-19

I’ve currently been working at Worlda since late September and I’m definitely enjoying my time here in the company. I’ve throughly enjoyed the support I have received which is well balanced when in conjunction with my free time too. They aim to give you confidence in your teaching by allowing your personality to flurish. The main reason I like working at Worlda is automony. They will help you in as many ways as possible to improve your teaching but will give you a somewhat free reign over the way YOU do it. It’s refreshing to see a job, best of all a company which allows you to create whatever atmosphere you feel like expressing in your classses. All in moderation though.

I’ve had no quaints with the payment system as every month I have been paid on time. If there are any problems with your pay, you’re more than welcome to take it up to the head of management and they are always happy to advise and assist. This communication is vital and it extends to all other department areas, the quality of English here by the Chinese staff is of excellence.

When living in China we have to follow regulations and there are many, especially in a bi-lingual contract. As long as your read the contract carefully and correctly and challenge anything you may not understand then it will be fine. The working environment is great, you have your own time to prepare your classes at home, the facilities at this company are good and depending on your attitude at school you’ll be able to adjust to the environment there too. Just remember to put everything in perspective sometimes!

The accomodation is carefully picked by Worlda. Finding houses in the city centre is no easy feat at a reasonable cost. However, I was happy with my location in the city. It also helps that Guangzhou in all areas has either an excellent bus schedule (ask Worlda staff for help) and a flawless metro system.

Living in Guangzhou depends on who you are. If you’re here thinking for an easy lifestyle and for it to be a walk in the park, it’s not. You have to get up and get out there and take this country seriously. The size and magnitude of this city makes possibilities endless in terms of what you can do. It’s a fantastic area in all parts, whether outside the main centre or around the outskirts. The people here are friendly, there are many foreigners/foreign restaurants if you want to take that break too. Work hard, play hard and Guangzhou will return the faour. China is an amazing country.

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