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foxy - 2012-07-21

We readers shouldn't be swept away with the euphoria of some of our fellow louwai FT who have come on the board en masse painting a so-rosy picture of working there.

I think in this context it's useful to get back to basics. What's below is solely about the EFL industry in China as I see it:

1) Private schools are in it for the money, fair enough - they are businesses.

2) Guangzhou has very many louwai, most of them trying to enrich themselves as best they can. Dog eat dog, severe competition re employment as foreign teachers.

3) If you aren't a natural teacher who can make substantially more money for your private school director than you will receive, you'll be discarded.

4) Just because the teachers who have posted are having a whale of a time there doesn't mean it's the best employer in China for every aspiring foreign teacher.

5) We should tailor our jobseeking according to how we perceive ourselves as teachers, and how safe a teaching job is likely to be for us in terms of short-term employment - long enough for us to collect the monies due us on successful completion of our contracts, or else we'll lose out financially.

6) Public posts have a captive and fixed student audience. If we do a so-so job, it should be good enough to see us through to the end of or contracts. But that's not necessarily true working for a private employer, especially not in the developed areas.

7) I've taught for a long time in China, during which I haven't changed my teaching style. I've been fired fast by one employer, not private, btw, after having been told my teaching was not up to scratch. In contrast, I've been commended by another for my mediocre teaching! The playing field is not level!

8) No use to be on a high salary for one month, and then cast aside. Better to teach in the public sector and be allowed to fulfill your contract.

9) Just look at the qualifications and experience that many private schools expect their job applicants to have - no degree, no teaching experience, in many cases. Now, why is it they're so uncncerned about qualifications and previous teaching experience - because they are desperate for applicants. Foreign teacher turnover can be high in the private sector mainly because they fire foreign teachers, very few foreign teachers pull runners!

I would only work for a private employer as a last resort, but luckily I've never had to, as I've been a REAL teacher in my homeland. But those foreigners who rave about their private employers, good luck to them - live and let live, but don't bullshit us - there are very many horror stories on the net re private outfits!

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Re: Teaching in Guangzhou Worldy Cultral &Edcuational Service CO.LTD -- foxy -- 2012-07-21
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