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Clyde - 2012-07-28

Silverboy, I hope you don't mind if I dismantle your rhetoric. I'm trying to be sort of polite here, but the kind of racist, misogynistic clap-trap you've been spewing needs to be shredded logically (though that won't stop you from just repeating your defeated arguments ad nauseum).

You wrote:

"Romeo" is a liberator, he is doing nothing wrong.

Even though such behavior is considered a serious breach of the code of conduct for teachers in the West, and can end up in the dismissal of the teacher in question, is it somehow not "wrong" anymore in China? Why not ask the FAO if it's wrong or not? If the Chinese university in question is dead set against it, should that count for anything, or are foreigners above the code of conduct in Chinese universities? The "liberator" thing is just stupid. Does a 21 year old student need to be liberated by a 44 year old foreigner? Give me a break? Who are you to say that young Chinese women "need to be liberated" by having sex with older foreign men?! That is just, pardon me, so stupid it's amazing that you can utter it without crossing your eyes and drooling all over yourself.

Once again posters like yourself make the mistake of believing that the Chinese are more "moral" than Westerners.
From whence comes this argument? If anything I've argued in other posts that the Chinese are less moral. But you need to put words in my mouth because you don't have any sound argument to stand on. And contrary to your bizarre assertion, the assumption is the opposite by you and Romeo: you assume the Chinese are less moral, and hence you can get away with something in China you'd never get away with in the West.

Nobody on here needs to be given a lecture , least of all by "moralists" like yourself.

Stand down from the podium them, lecture boy, because your lecture about shabby middle-aged foreign losers sexually liberating young Chinese women has gotten really old and tired. When you stop your racist/sexists lectures, than you may anticipate a let up in sound rebuttals putting you to shame.

You want to attach the label "moralist" to my. OK, I will accept that I am more moral than you, have more integrity, and you are more corrupt than me. Shall we call you a "corruptionist" or what? All hail the corruption of Silverboy. So you may be morally bankrupt and inept at debate. Is there a trophy for that? Swagger and strut on, boasting of your sexual conquests of Chinese women. What a joke! Somehow I'm starting to suspect that you are a failure in the sack.

Once again, a 21 year old Chinese student is an ADULT who is RESPONSIBLE for her OWN ACTIONS!

Excuse me, but you've already made that argument, and I've already defeated it. Here again is my counterargument, and if you think you can go toe to toe with me intellectually, bring it on chunky monkey. You are relying on semantics to even the playing field, by latching onto the words "adult". But, as I pointed out before, both Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski were "adults." She was 22 at the time of their "relations". The critical issue was the difference in power, as is it when there's a 44 year old teacher trying to bed a 21 year old student at the university where he works. As you well know, students look up to teachers in China, and there's no question that said "teacher" has a world more experience and power than the girl in question. You also conveniently side-step the fact that this is happening in a university with a student, which is the MOST IMPORTANT factor. If he were talking about a girl he met in a club, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Many young Chinese women want to have a sexual relationship with an older man, especially a foreigner, as we have the experience and know what to do.

A bogus assertion. Can you back this with some sort of study or statistics? Or is this just your own self-aggrandizing, self-justifying, self-delusional conclusion? I would counter that most young Chinese women want a suitable partner and candidate for marriage, and DON'T have any interest in being the sexual conquest of some middle-aged foreigner. And, hot damn, I think most Chinese women would agree.

How else do you think these young "girls" ( as you seem to think they are for some wierd reason ) are going to get experience? Young Chinese male students can't satisfy them, they lack the experience and skill, and won't do certain things like foreign men will do.

This idea you have that only Western men know how to have sex is extremely offensive, stupid, and delusional. I'm sure there are plenty of Chinese men (I know some) who would be more than happy to induct young Chinese women into sexual activity. And you will find that many Chinese men can speak basic Japanese because of all the Japanese porn they watched. They know the techniques you know, so the girls don't need to go to a foreign slob for experimentation. The male students know about sex as well. Chinese girls don't just want to do nasty things with perverted old foreign men. Lastly, again, we are talking about students. You can go have your sex with other Chinese women and boast about it on this board, pathetically and obsessively, and the only thing that people are going to care about is how insulting you are about it. Other than that I think people just might feel a little sorry for you, as we generally do with people who boast about their sexual ability online, especially when it's about underprivileged younger women in the developing world.

I am going to go one step further in my opinion of your attitude: I suspect you think that Chinese women should supress their natural desires and remain celibate…

You need to take a step back and check yourself before you wreck yourself, if it's not too late already. Have you no experience in debate? Hopefully you haven't been entrusted to teach students debate skills! You can't just make up a position, attribute it to your opponent, and then defeat it. I've had Chinese girlfriends, thank you. I just wouldn't date students, as a teacher is not supposed to, and it's extremely bad form for a number of reasons.

You think abstinence is the path they should follow ( ridiculous and impractical, and unnatural )

Well, you are only right in that I think students should "abstain" from having sex with middle-aged losers from the West who have no propriety, professionalism, or integrity. I'm all for them having normal, healthy sexual relations with appropriate partners, when they are ready. You are just NOT one of those partners, nor is Romeo. You two are anything but.

There is no difference between a 27 year old man having sex with a 21 year old Chinese woman, or a 44 year old man having sex with a 21 year old Chinese woman. Consenting adults having a good time. End of the story!

Again, you sidestepped the only issue that we are talking about =


You got that now? And again, you are trying to hide behind words and not see the reality of the situation. All you can say is "they are both 'adults'". Would you feel differently if she was 20, or 17? Your answer will probably be dependent on the "age of consent" of the place in question, which means as young as is legally allowed is your definition of adult. One day under and you believe they are children. One day over and they are adults. You don't care if they are REALLY adults or not, you just want an excuse to be able to take advantage of girls.

Lastly, this is NOT about "consenting adults have a good time," this is about a 44-year old teacher putting the moves on a 21 year old student at the university where he works. Chances are it's against the school policy and code of conduct, her parents would be horrified, and the relationship will peter out and her reputation will be tarnished.

[In the future, if you want to try to argue with me – I wouldn't advise it – don't bother putting words in my mouth.]

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Re: moral dilemma? -- Clyde -- 2012-07-28
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