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Clyde - 2012-08-02

The ESL world - or as I call it: the crappy world of ESL - is mainly about making money, not about any moral values or high quality education - will not even give a damn about some guys who think they need to "liberate" Chinese women. The crappy world of ESL is full of maniacs, lunatics, egotists, pretenders and other kind of low-profile and uneducated people, so your issue of moralizing would be the least thing they would look at. Your own self-esteem must be so unrealistically high that you don't see that you are actually a part of the typical structural, system-related problems in this crappy world of ESL.

So, let me get this right... Because I strive to create a positive learning environment for my students, and actually care about their education *I'M* part of the problem?! Classic! Caring about the welfare of the students is the problem, in your mind? No, sweetheart YOU are the problem, you and your achaic views on 'sexual liberation' and attitude about 'high quality education'. High quality education can take place as long as the teacher cares about their students (and by "care about" I mean their education, not thier cup size) and provides a well balanced learning environment.

Again, you have failed and not won the argument!

It's not really a question of 'winning an argument' - The question of it being OK to sleep with your students is moot. There is no argument, it is not OK. End of story!

Actually, if one were just to judge on a purely academic level, London Girl won the argument hands down. There was no contest. The argument her opponent here made was essentially that the ESL world is so corrupt that nobody will listen to a voice of reason, therefore a voice of reason is part of a bigger, institutional problem. Derp! You might as well argue that there are so many cancer cells that white blood cells are the problem and ruining the whole immune system. The conclusion doesn't follow the argument. If the institutional level were fair, ethical and sound, then there would be far less corruption. Holy derp! I mean, these guys are half clever, I'll give them that. But, uh, the other half is deep trouble.

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Re: Summation of the debate. -- Clyde -- 2012-08-02
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