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IMHO - 2012-08-02

Turnoi and San Migs - - you are SO out of your depth with these two (LondonGirl and Clyde), it's not even funny any longer. Here is a standard back and forth of these two:

Intelligent Poster: Here are my sound and well-thought-out reasons as to coming to these conclusions.

San Migs: Blah, blah, blah . . . GROVELING WEASALS . . . blah, blah. Right Turnoi?

Turnoi: Blah, blah, blah . . . . sic my CROCODILES on you . . . blah, blah.

San Migs: Well, said Turnoi, well said!

Turnoi: Thanks SM, blah, blah, lie, lie, blah . . . HAHAHAHA! Crocs, GW, blah, blah, blah.

These could be a reasonably good forum if the input of SOME posters would rise a little from the bottom of the trash heap.

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Re: Summation of the debate. -- IMHO -- 2012-08-02
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