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Elephant - 2005-06-13
In response to Ha ha ha! - ESL discussion (Steve Heckman)

Nice post. Trying to keep smokers out of a classroom is 'imperialist' in my mind. It's just another example of westerners trying to force their beliefs down the throats of other cultures.

Here's another great example of western 'imperalism':
I was on Koh Sarn Road not long ago buying some CDs when a fellow white-face berated the vendor for 'stealing'. I had to butt-in and give her my lecture about IP being something invented far away from Bangkok's poverty in places called Wall Street and Washington, D.C.

If Thailand cared about IP, we wouldn't see all the stalls selling 'pirated' CDs in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. The same stalls that are regularly inspected and patrolled by the Thai police. Thailand doesn't stop this because it doesn't accept the idea of IP. Only we, the westerner, has bought into the 'evil' of piracy. No one in Thailand has.


Messages In This Thread
smoking english teachers in the classroom - ESL discussion -- bet -- 2005-06-01
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Ha ha ha! - ESL discussion -- Steve Heckman -- 2005-06-09
Western Imperialism - ESL discussion -- Elephant -- 2005-06-13
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My bad experience with a smoker teacher -- Mike -- 2005-06-01
teacher who smoke in the classroom are: -- nat -- 2005-06-01
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