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Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-06-13
In response to The eternal teacher of the spotless English - ESL discussion (Howard Zinn, Historian)

I agree that being able to speak some of the L1 can come in useful when teaching in a foreign country. I can't however see it as being ESSENTIAL.

I have used some Chinese when disciplining some of my students,such as 'Anjing!'-(Quiet)' and 'Zuo'-(Sit),etc.In those circumstances using L1 seems to be more effective in exercising authority.However at the same time I find it sometimes works against me with the students just thinking it's hilarious to hear the foreign monkey shouting in Chinese.

If I get a feeling beforehand that a particular class might not understand a particular word that may hinder them in a class activity, or understanding of the target vocabulary I will look up the Chinese word,but only use it as back up!

To be honest I'd rather they look up the word they don't understand in their electronic dictionaries(even though I'm not a great fan of them), than just sleepingly sitting there saying, 'I don't understand!'

I generally only allow that, if I'm sure no-one understands, and I find it virtually impossible to illustrate the point.

I DO agree that it makes a lot of sense to learn as much basics of a language that you can before you go and live and work in another country(in fact I would recommend it).There is no doubt that it would certainly help in relations with fellow staff members(including your boss),in making friends and gaining independence.For instance shopping for yourself etc.

However, I disagree that it is essential in the classroom.I feel that when learning English with the local Chinese teachers the students are being exposed to, much too much Chinese as it is.In fact it seems that a larger percentage of each of those classes are in the L1 language.

As one FT put it so succintly on another forum.'As regards the local teachers the students are not LEARNING English, they're learning ABOUT English'.

In this regard, it certainly would make sense for the FT's to speak as little L1 as possible in the classroom,in order to try to redress the balance and get the students thinking in L2.

Do students respect foreign teachers more if they can and do speak L1? Possibly they often do!However if the same foreign teachers teaching skills and English were poor, surely that respect would be diluted somewhat.

On the other hand would an FT who could hardly say hello in Chinese, fail to gain the respect of the students if he had excellent teaching skills and a good knowledge of English?There are MANY excellent FT's in China who can hardly string two Chinese words together!

I have to agree with the TEFL mill in this respect. As regards the CLASSROOM L1 is not important,it's simply about your ability to teach and speak the L2!


Messages In This Thread
Unfrozen Caveman Teacher - ESL discussion -- Elephant -- 2005-06-08
I agree - ESL discussion -- SiamSap -- 2005-06-15
That's exactly right - ESL discussion -- Ann-Toe-Knee -- 2005-06-15
The eternal teacher of the spotless English - ESL discussion -- Howard Zinn, Historian -- 2005-06-13
Useful, but not necessary - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-06-13
Excellent post, Yingwen - ESL discussion -- Howard Zinn, Historian -- 2005-06-13
Thanks, HZ - ESL discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2005-06-14
Right again - ESL discussion -- Howard Zinn, Historian -- 2005-06-14
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