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tianjindave - 2012-08-23
In response to Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing (Julie)

Hi all,
I am writing in response to "Rainbowhouse club. I too once held a position there, and I was shocked by how the management openly flaunted with the students, as well as bragging about their sexual conquests. I know one student left because of this. I was also shocked to be told that I was working illegally, but was told by the management, Don't worry we know the right people, if anyone asks you about your visa just tell them you work here voluntarily. I qustioned the management further about this and their response was take it or leave it! The so called Vice president (I think he made that title up) was extremely arrogant and would never be there when you needed to know anything. It seemed to me that young teachers were just used as a western face. To be honest, I felt very embarrassed working there and I wasn't the only one.

I eventually left, but when I received my salary it was way short of the mark. When i questioned the management that my salary was short, I was told: So take us to court, you have no contract to prove you were here! I was very upset. My experinces in China have been great, but this so called school left a bad taste. I would not recommend this third rate club to anyone,
This working illegally is not peculiar to China; we have countless thousands in the UK working illegally. I'm bound to say that my happiest couple of years in China was working illegally.

If the Chinese management are sexually harassing their students, well, it's a Chinese matter, and it's best to keep out of Chinese business. Short of rape and the like, I mean. Personally I have always steered clear of student on toast but I'm an FT, and that's a different matter.

Well, the Chinese like to fiddle you out of a bit of pay, it's just their way. Maybe you belly-ached too much and upset them?

Messages In This Thread
rainbowhouse club Beijing -- tefl teacher -- 2012-03-19
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- The man behind the vale -- 2012-11-14
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- Julie -- 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- Dragonized -- 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- tianjindave -- 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- San Migs -- 2012-08-27
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing -- Julie -- 2012-08-27
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