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James Mcdougall - 2012-10-26
In response to Re: EF - English First - Beijing (Magister)

Hi Magister,

Thank you for your kind comments. Sorry to be contradictory, but that was not my intention. I am happy you like my blog. I just meant that particular story showed a particular example of extreme racism, by paying teachers according to race. Whilst, I faced a lot of racism within the work place, I did not face this from my colleagues. I also did not face any sort of racism outside of work, for example in the street. Everyone was extremely nice to me, and older people in particular shocked me, as they said that they think Indian people are very beautiful and very nice eyes.

Re: EF - English First - Beijing
Date: 24 October 2012
In Response To: EF - English First - Beijing (James Mcdougall)

I enjoy reading your blog James if nothing else for the tabloid like style you use for presenting information. EF "internal affairs" and "reputable sources" all sounds very cloak and dagger. I can imagine you now standing on a station platform being handed a brown envelope packed with info for lasted 'scoop'. Lol.
One thing I have noticed though is that your later posts seem to contradict some of your earlier comments, particularly when it comes to the issue of race and Chinese treatment of non-white teachers. Your initial post stated that

"I myself did not find China to be racist or discrimatory towards me" and you made several other comments to that effect on this site.

Yet your latest blog post is entitled 'Racism in China' and goes on to describe the Chinese as fundamentally racist.

I know which one I feel to be closer to the mark. Do you?

Messages In This Thread
EF - English First - Beijing -- James Mcdougall -- 2012-10-24
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- englishgibson -- 2012-10-25
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- James Mcdougall -- 2012-10-26
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- englishgibson -- 2012-10-26
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- Magister -- 2012-10-25
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- James Mcdougall -- 2012-10-26
Re: EF - English First - Beijing -- Magister -- 2012-10-26
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