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Alternate - 2012-10-31

Most people are also intelligent enough to not go to a [edited] place like china to begin with unless they were suckered someway with propaganda appealing to their ideals or they have trouble finding decent work to begin with. Your own attitude reflects why expats can have such a horrible experience, that is dealing with uncaring, indecent, self serving fellow expats overseas such as [edited].

Your own writing reflects an attitude similar to that of posters like Londongirl and Kevin of Fuzhou, who have both worked at EF for a long time. You only will consider the faults in the arguments of those who disagree with you instead of taking into account on some points that you may not have too much knowledge about. Telling others that your reality is the only one that matters, constantly trying to raise the standards of the argument when there is a legitimate rebuttal, and never giving the thought to bring out a win-win situation in a discussion and always needing to "one-up" the other person is your MO. It seems to be the "EF" attitude.

On the other hand, if you were really a decent person and you worked for EF, you would keep your mouth shut because you know the criticisms are correct. You would constantly be looking for something better, and you would agree with the other expats who have had a bad experience at EF or places like EF and seek to resolve the problem by doing what posters like Silverboy have suggested, which is to give as much bad publicity as possible and make them lose a lot of face.

If you really were as devoted to your own set of morals and ethics as you pertain to be, you would apply the standards that you expect from others to yourself. That would mean boycotting the entire chinese educational body by never working for any private or public place in said country. Unfortunately that seem to be an impossible situation [edited]. This means you are stuck working in the educational field whether you like it or not. In that case, you shouldn't expect so much from others when you cannot do whatever it is that you have said constitutes decency yourself. You sound more chinese than western in that regard, unfortunately.

Messages In This Thread
Regarding the issues of working at Training Centers -- Alternate -- 2012-10-30
Re: Regarding the issues of working at Training Centers -- englishgibson -- 2012-10-31
Re: Regarding the issues of working at Training Centers -- The Grammarian -- 2012-10-31
Re: Regarding the issues of working at Training Centers -- englishgibson -- 2012-11-01
Re: Regarding the issues of working at Training Centers -- Alternate -- 2012-10-31
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