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San Migs - 2012-11-12

Hey all,

Just a quick sit rep on things in the UK.

Insanely hard to find a job at the moment, very difficult. Despite all the talk about the UK coming out of the abyss it certainly does not feel or seem like that is true.

I am looking for anything heavy, even a job that does not involve engaging my brain (which for me is difficult, I admit!) but there it is. Just really desperate. Luckily I have a friends I am staying at, and have connected with another former ft in China.

There is a kind of malaise over the UK and Europe, and it is kind of frustrating that I left behind an easy steady job, albeit with crappy accomodation, but in a town with friendly people in China, and teaching work besides your main gig if you wanted it in spades, to come back to nothing and to most people just to show indifference and come out with nuggets like: "Why don't you just get any job?" or "Cheer up, it could be worse".

I have gone through homelessness, which was unpleasant, a bout of heavy drinking which I am trying to rein in, but basically I am just trying to remain optimistic in the face of what seems like a futile situation. I can't overstay my welcome at my friends, that would surely be suicide for our friendship, and I have known him since nursery school so that is not a friend I would like to loose, my only option may be the housing association. Worse, people tell me NOT to go back to China, but what do they know never having even visited, let alone worked there?!

Teaching english in spain (where my parents/uncle) are retired is an option, but living with them obviously is not. At 36 I need my own space, as do they to enjoy their retirement in the spanish sun. So I'd be stuck with renting in spain, which is more costly than in China, and the salaries are not great. Most FT's leave there burnt out or disgruntled, it is perhaps only a good option for retired folks in Spain, to whom the job does not really matter in the end.

So, sorry for the long post. I just hope you can see that at the other end of it, is a flawed, but trying to improve, willing to work hard, human being.

Peace and upcoming festive wishes to all,
San Migs

PS. Please email me,it's included in the posting!

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